Unrealized Plan

It’s quite a long time I don’t write an article on my personal blog. Most of the time was occupied by regular activity. I was reading some plans that I wrote three months ago. One example when I and my friends had an idea to help the local farmer by providing them access to the market price of commodities. So, they can avoid pricing hegemony from the middle man. The farmers will have an independency to decide and set the price based on their production cost.
Later on, this idea has been realized by someone. I am glad, to be honest when my friend shares this idea with me. I know in Indonesia, we still have a problem with food security. Our main food products are imported from neighborhood countries such as Vietnam or Thailand. Such an irony when we announced as an agricultural country. We might don’t know the different definitions between farmer and peasant. Most of the workforces in the agricultural sectors in Indonesia were classified as a peasant. They don’t have land and only work with the landlord. Every day, they only earn less than 5 dollars to feed up their family members.
I do hope in the future, after getting enough knowledge and experience, We can crack down this problem together and distribute wealth to them. Moreover, it’s a long journey and needs collaboration among us. Indonesia will become more prosperous and equal. The young generations should know their position if someday they will replace the current government and ready to accept the next challenges.